Castalla City Council extends the program for the celebration of the Half Year of the Cow 2020

  • The event is this weekend and the activities include the release of heifers, as well as the competition of trimmers

The municipality of Castalla will celebrate this weekend, Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 February, the Half Year of the Cow. An event much awaited by the residents, as well as by those attending from other municipalities, who come every year to the town to see the release of heifers or the competition of trimmers.

As for the programmed activities, the celebrations will begin on Friday night with the first release of cows, between 00:00 and 2:00 in the morning. On Saturday morning the activities dedicated to the youngest will take place. At 10:00 hours will be the children’s games and the mechanical bull in the esplanade of the house of culture. At 12:00 there will be the running of the bulls and the trimming competition. In the afternoon the program continues with the second cow session, from 18:30 until 20:30. At night, between 00:00 and 2:00 hours on Sunday 16th, the cows will go through the streets of Castalla for the third time in a weekend.

Traditionally the Half Year of the Cow focused on the youngest, but little by little the program is expanding. Last year was the first year that brave cows were brought in for the Half Year of the Cow. This year the main novelty is that the Town Hall is moving the bullfights from the surroundings of the village, as it was done in 2019, to the urban area with the aim of achieving a greater participation of all and improving the accessibility to the festivities.

The Councillor for Celebrations and Traditions, Noelia Álvarez, has reported that two ICU ambulances have been set up to guarantee health care. Álvarez added that “the City Council will provide public boxes, barriers and stands with affordable and popular prices to also facilitate the contemplation of celebrations. In this sense, Bernabéu has assured that it is “another example of the intention to make a participative party, because the infrastructures will be public. Everyone will be able to access”.

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