Castalla will have a new substation to reinforce the energy supply of the region


The project of the ‘ST Castalla’, declared of public utility, will occupy 22,220.20 square meters and will cost 3,400,623 euros

The municipality of Castalla will have a new transformer substation ‘ST Castalla’ of 132 kV, which will strengthen the energy supply of the region. This is confirmed by the resolution of administrative authorization which has been published in the Official Bulletin of the Province of Alicante (BOP). The total installation budget of the project is equivalent to 3,400,623.18 Euros, a sum which will be borne by Iberdrola and Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes. As the mayor of Castalla, Antonio Bernabeu, explains, “this is a very important and necessary investment for our region. It will allow to nourish of energy to the industries of Ibi, Onil and Castalla, which will be able to maintain the pace of current growth”.

The substation ‘ST Castalla’, declared of public utility, will be built in the plot 199 of the polygon 1 of the town. This is a 147,162 square meter plot of land owned by Mula & Tarancon Explotaciones Agrícolas SL, of which the terminal will occupy 22,220.20 square meters. The beneficiary companies have a period of execution of the installation of eighteen months from the day after notification.

Throughout the process, the City Council has held meetings with the companies and has provided the necessary information to decide on the ideal location for the construction of the new substation. In fact, the government team held a working meeting in Castalla with the Councillor for Sustainable Economy, Production Sectors, Trade and Employment, Rafael Climent, to speed up the procedures and make this investment a reality for the municipality.

The first mayor of Castalla defends that “with the new transformer substation we cover the energy needs of La Foia for a long period of time”. Due to the growth of these populations and the industrial activity characteristic of the region, the energy collapse was a possibility in the coming years if an adequate solution was not found. According to Bernabeu, “with the construction of the ‘ST Castalla’ we complete the energy project of Castalla. We lighten the workload of the other substation of our municipality, the ‘ST Bastá’, we reinforce it and, in addition, we have more energy to help the local and regional industry to continue growing”.

The substation ‘ST Castalla’ will complete the energy project that began with the implementation of the substation ‘ST Bastá’ in August 2018, also in the municipality of the capital of La Foia. For nearly 15 years, several corporations have tried to bring this investment to fruition, which has now been completed. Although initially the plan contemplated the construction of a single substation, finally two have been built in different enclaves.

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