Castalla begins to design the first Municipal Plan for Inclusion and Social Cohesion in the town

  • The project has the financial support and technical validation of Diputació and Generalitat and will be carried out through Equàlitat

Castalla Town Council has begun work to design the first Municipal Plan for Inclusion and Social Cohesion in the town. An initiative of the Department of Social Welfare, which seeks the collaboration of local entities to promote public actions to unite and cohesion ideas, people and territories. The councillor for Social Welfare, Maite Gimeno, declared that “we are going to build a cohesive society, which is one that seeks the well-being of all people, combats exclusion and marginalisation and creates a sense of belonging, among many other things”.

In this sense, the councillor indicated that “promoting social cohesion and inclusion means fighting for greater inclusion, more citizen participation and better social mobility. In short, it means working to create the glue, the nexus of union, that keeps society as a whole together”.

This plan has the technical validation and financial support of the Diputación de Alicante and the Conselleria de Participació, Transparència, Cooperació i Qualitat Democràtica de la Generalitat Valenciana. The project is to be run by the social consultancy EQUÀLITAT, participació i igualtat.

The councillor for Social Welfare assured that “the current project that we intend to carry out is a new way, a new opportunity, available to the council to promote public actions that reduce the factors of social inequality and vulnerability. At the same time, it promotes the autonomy of vulnerable people and groups, and social cohesion, from the strengthening of family and community ties, the feeling of belonging to the community and the territory”.

The Castalla Town Council has shown its gratitude for the collaboration of the entities and people linked to this project, which aims, broadly speaking, to place the citizens of the municipality at the centre of all public action. The aim is to accept diversity, from an integral and transversal point of view, and to advance equality.

Plan Municipal de Inclusión

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