Castalla launches a participatory questionnaire to draw up the 1st Plan for Inclusion and Social Cohesion

  • The Town Council will ask the population’s opinion on coexistence in the town, as part of a project funded by the Generalitat and Diputació

Castalla has launched a participatory questionnaire with the aim of drawing up the 1st Municipal Plan for Inclusion and Social Cohesion. This citizen consultation is included in the diagnosis of the document, and will help in its drafting. The Town Council has asked the population’s opinion on different issues related to coexistence in the town. The project is funded by the Generalitat Valenciana and the Diputación de Alicante.

The councillor for Social Welfare, Maite Gimeno, reported that “with this activity we begin the period of diagnosis and we have the opinion of the residents of Castalla, once the phase of qualitative and quantitative study of our people”.

The questionnaire will collect the current state of the town in terms of society from different perspectives through all its questions. Thus, the multiple questions survey the population on mobility and urban planning, inclusion, municipal policies, culture, sport and education, as well as work and family life. Gimeno declared that “our aim is to build the 1st Municipal Plan for Inclusion and Social Cohesion with a participatory, equitable and inclusive approach”.

Those interested can participate by answering the questions from Thursday 4 November until Wednesday 10 November. In this way, the population of Castalla has the opportunity to assess the most relevant aspects of coexistence in the capital of La Foia.

This questionnaire is included in the diagnosis of the I Municipal Plan of Inclusion and Social Cohesion and is elaborated thanks to the subsidy granted by the Diputación de Alicante together with the Conselleria de Participació, Transparència, Cooperació i Qualitat Democràtica de la Generalitat Valenciana. The social consultancy EQUÀLITAT, participació i igualtat is in charge of making the project dynamic.

It can be accessed through the municipal social networks or at the following link:

Cuestionario Online - Diseño del I Plan Municipal de Inclusión y Cohesión Social de Castalla

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