The City Council launches the municipal campaign against gender violence ‘Castalla #ContigoSiempre
- The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness of this scourge and inform citizens of the resources available in the city
Castalla Town Council, through the Department of Social Services, has organised the campaign ‘Castalla #ContigoSiempre’, an activity that has been set in motion together with the consultancy firm ‘EQUÀLITAT, participació i igualtat’. The initiative has been launched on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is celebrated on 25th November. Between 18 and 25 November, the municipal social networks will disseminate the messages of the main actors in the town regarding the prevention of gender violence in order to highlight Castalla’s resources in this area.
The project, subsidised by Alicante Provincial Council, is part of the 1st Municipal Equality Plan and is included in the actions carried out by the City Council to achieve real and effective equality in the municipality.
The Councillor for Social Services, Maite Gimeno, explained that the campaign “aims to make visible various existing resources in the municipality that intervene in cases of gender violence”. In this sense, added the mayor responsible, “it is important to make them known to the public, in order to make effective care and intervention, as well as preventing any kind of violence.
Thus, the campaign consists of two actions. On the one hand, there are seven creative actions in the form of banners starring professionals from different areas, through which they will publicise the services they offer. On the other hand, an impact video has been designed, starring members of the municipal associative network, in which they aim to raise awareness of the importance of coeducation and equality to prevent and eradicate male violence.