Castalla organizes a municipal campaign against micro-machisms in the domestic sphere

  • The Department of Equality of the City of Castalla aims to make visible and combat discriminatory situations in the family environment
  • Under the name of #YoActúo, the initiative launched this week in social networks is funded by the Diputación de Alicante

Castalla City Council has organized a municipal campaign that seeks to make visible and combat micro-machisms in the domestic sphere. The Department of Equality of the Consistory of Castalla, together with the consultant ‘EQUÀLITAT, participació i igualtat’, has devised the campaign #YoActúo. This initiative is part of the Municipal Plan for Equality and subsidized by the Diputación de Alicante. The Councillor for Equality, Maite Gimeno, explained that “this is a virtual campaign, which aims to raise awareness of citizens about the micro-machisms of everyday life in the home, subtle and almost imperceptible situations or actions that perpetuate inequalities between women and men.

Through various images that are disseminated from today on the social networks of the City of Castalla, citizens can identify some discriminatory situations that we can find in the family environment and that go completely unnoticed, as they have been standardized for a long time. Once they are identified, people will be able to act accordingly in front of them.

Therefore, during this week, between August 24 and 30, 2020, a banner will be published every day on municipal social channels that will address an existing micromachismo in our society. The campaign consists of seven different creativities that try to make visible and eradicate sexist daily situations.

The mayor Maite Gimeno has stated that “through the Municipal Plan for Equality we are promoting other actions that, like this digital campaign, are aimed at achieving real equality between male and female residents of Castalla in our municipality. At the same time, has encouraged neighbors to discover this campaign on Facebook and Instagram through the municipal profiles looking for the City of Castalla in both networks.

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-24 at 13.42.25

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