Castalla students participate in workshops as part of the Municipal Plan for Children and Adolescents

  • The activities on democratic culture and healthy drinks have the collaboration of IES Enric Valor, Equalitat and the Diputación de Alicante

Castalla Town Council has programmed two activities for the students of IES Enric Valor, within the framework of the I Municipal Plan for Children and Adolescents. The initiative of the Department of Social Services has the collaboration of the Diputación de Alicante and the management of the consultancy Equàlitat. Thus, local children have participated in a workshop on democratic culture and will have the opportunity to learn in another one about healthy drinks.

On the one hand, the workshop on democratic culture is aimed at students in the first year of high school and was held today in the auditorium of the institute. The coordinator of the Degree in Political Science and Public Management of the Miguel Hernández University (UMH), Mª Amparo Calabuig, has been in charge of giving the session.

The councillor for Social Services, Maite Gimeno, explained that “the main objective of this action is to raise awareness of democratic values relating to individuality and collectivity, as well as others relating to current regulations”. In addition, the training activity also seeks to promote the participation of young people in different issues related to the current affairs of Castalla and good governance. In this sense, the plan aims to involve young people in the definition of public policies in the town.

On the other hand, the macro workshop on healthy drinks will be attended by secondary school students. In this case, the activity will take place on Wednesday 16 June in the Municipal Auditorium, led by the dietician and manager of the Valencian herbalist ‘Les Herbetes’, Eva Quintanar.

Thus, the aim of this second proposal is to prevent the consumption of alcohol and other addictive substances among students. At the same time, the initiative also aims to promote healthy and fresh drinks and refreshments. In this way, there will be a theoretical part and a more extensive practical part, where students will learn to prepare their own drinks.

Castalla Taller Cultura Democràtica

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