The Gala Festera of Castalla will be the main event of the ‘No Fiestas’ of Moors and Christians

  • The event has been organised jointly by the City Council, the Agrupación de Comparsas and the Agrupación Musical Santa Cecilia

The Gala Festera de Castalla will be the main event of the ‘No Fiestas’ of the local Moors and Christians. The event has been organised jointly by the Town Hall, the Agrupación de Comparsas and the Agrupación Musical Santa Cecilia. The ceremony will take place on Saturday 28 August in the municipal velodrome. Despite the fact that the Consistory has officially suspended the fiestas due to the situation generated by Covid-19, some commemorative events will be held to keep the flame of the festive family burning.

The programme of the festive evening will consist of three main events. Firstly, a tribute to the figure of the town criers, who are responsible for publicly announcing the start of the festivities. Secondly, there will be the presentation of the video ‘Volveremos a hacer fiesta’. As explained by the Councillor for Festivities, Noelia Álvarez, it is a short audiovisual film commissioned by this area with the aim of “restoring the spirit of the comparsistas with the hope that we can celebrate the coming festivities with a high degree of normality”.

The video will be shown publicly for the first time during the event and will be accompanied by the festive officials. Finally, the third major event of the evening will be the performance of the Agrupación Musical Santa Cecilia de Castalla, which will perform a concert of festive music under the baton of the conductor, Pere Vicalet.

Likewise, the mayor of Castalla, Antonio Bernabeu, insisted on the importance of “keeping alive the memory of our traditions”. In this sense, the mayor has reported that “in the Gala Festera we can celebrate a commemorative event of our festivities, which recharge the batteries and the illusion of all the festive family”.

On the other hand, as is well known, the Moors and Christians festivities in Castalla will not be held in their usual format from the 1st to the 4th of September. However, some events may be held on a one-off basis. They will have all the safety and hygiene measures against Covid-19 and will be of an extraordinary nature. Festers will be able to attend the mass in honour of the patron saint of the city, the Virgen de la Soledad, on Thursday 2 September. Finally, on Sunday 5 September, a fireworks display will be launched to mark the end of the festivities.

The councillor for Fiestas has emphasised the desire of the government team, and the whole festive family, “to celebrate our Moors and Christians fiestas again with all the events when the health situation allows us to do so, in safe conditions for all the people who participate and make these celebrations possible”.

Castalla Gala Festera

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