Castalla Town Council publishes a guide to inclusive language for municipal personnel

  • The document is a tool to eliminate gender discrimination and will be used internally by the staff of the Consistory

Castalla Town Council has published an inclusive language guide for municipal staff. The document is a tool to eliminate gender discrimination, which has been developed by the Department of Social Welfare together with the EQUÀLiTAT consultancy, participation and equality. Council staff will thus have access to proposals for modifying the construction of sentences or the use of words, such as eliminating the use of the generic masculine. The aim of the initiative is to make the language of the institution more respectful and egalitarian.

For her part, the councillor for Social Welfare, Maite Gimeno, has valued the impact of this guide to inclusive language, a proposal that forms part of the municipal equality plan. As the councillor explained, “the aim of using inclusive and non-sexist language is to express oneself orally and in writing, giving visibility to women, without discriminating on grounds of sex or gender”. In this way, added the head of Social Services, “the City Council is helping to put an end to gender stereotypes in society and prevent them from being perpetuated in administrative language”.

The ‘Inclusive Language Guide’ is part of the actions included in the I Internal Plan of the Castalla Town Council. This municipal project works to improve communication and the use of language in public administration.

The document is a tool that serves to make women visible in all fields and to eradicate sexism in the administrative actions of the council itself, both internally and externally. Thanks to it, the Town Council will offer a more respectful and modern service to the people of Castalla.ÍA-DE-LENGUAJE-INCLUSIVO-CAS.pdf

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