Castalla launches ‘Viralizando Deportistas’, a campaign to make women in sport more visible

  • The initiative of the Social Services Department introduces Spanish women in traditionally male-dominated professions

Castalla Town Council has launched the graphic campaign ‘Viralizando Deportistas: how many women do you know in the world of sport? It is an initiative of the Department of Social Services, framed in the I Municipal Plan for Equality of the town, with the aim of raising awareness among society of Spanish women who exercise at the highest level traditionally masculinized professions. The campaign can be followed through the City Council’s social networks and has been carried out in collaboration with the consultancy EQUÀLITAT.

The councillor for Social Services, Maite Gimeno, stressed “the importance of showing feminist references to the boys and girls of our city, and to the population in general, so that they can see how, being a woman, it is possible to reach the elite in any discipline”.

In this sense, the project aims to make a visual impact on fellow citizens with a twofold objective. On the one hand, it seeks to give visibility to women who practice or compete in masculinised sports. On the other hand, the initiative aims to balance the presence of both sexes in the world of sport in general. For this reason, the councillor underlined, “it is essential to show female references in sports that have been practised and exercised mainly by men”.

La iniciativa se difundirá a través de las redes sociales del Ayuntamiento. Además, ‘Viralizando deportistas’ intenta promover la participación de los y las vecinas de Castalla. La ciudadanía podrá usar el hashtag #DeporteFemeninoChallenge y subir a sus ‘stories’ de Facebook e Instagram las fotografías de aquellas mujeres que conozcan. Para ello deben hacer uso del hashtag y etiquetar al Ayuntamiento en las publicaciones.

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