More than 1,600 students start the school year in the 6 educational centres of Castalla
- The number of schoolchildren is growing in 2023, with new enrolments up to the last minute
The number of people enrolled in the educational centres of Castalla has grown to 1,637 people at the beginning of the school year. The data groups together the enrolments of the six educational centres in the town, and includes students from two years old to the second year of Bachillerato, as well as Infant, Primary and Secondary.
If we break down the information by each of the schools, the enrolments are as follows: María Asunta school, 315 enrolments; CEIP Rico Sapena, 512 enrolments; CEIP nº2, 160 enrolments; IES Enric Valor, 416 enrolments and Muntori school, 160 enrolments, Escuela Infantil NINOS (0-3 years), 74 enrolments.
The councillor for Education, Judit Seva, reported that there have been new registrations up to the last moment, in some cases with the course already underway. In addition, some schools in Castalla still have vacancies.
In this sense, the councillor responsible for Education has stated that “from this council and the entire government team want to wish a great start to the school year to all students in Castalla”. Seva pointed out that “1,637 people are starting classes for the new school year and the council is going to work to ensure that the schools in our town have all the tools they need to enjoy a quality education”.
The new CEIP nº2 starts classes with total normality and 160 enrolments
The start of the school year has been marked by the launch of the new Infant and Primary Education Centre No. 2 in Castalla. The school has started classes with total normality and 160 new students enrolled. The Town Hall has highlighted the fact that “with the new centre we are putting an end to the barracks, in which our children were still studying until now”.
- Colegio Muntori
- Colegio María Asunta
- CEIP Rico Sapena
- CEIP n2