Castalla’s plenary session approves the initiation of a sanctioning procedure for non-compliance with the waste collection and street cleaning contract


The session also gave the green light for the City Council to take on the development of the works of the new treatment plant in the town

The Plenary Session of the Castalla Town Council has approved the initiation of a sanctioning procedure against the company that was awarded the public service for household waste collection and street cleaning. This is the main decision of an ordinary plenary session held for the first time online, which could be followed live on the YouTube channel of the municipal institution. The entire Corporation observed a minute’s silence for the victims of the Coronavirus pandemic, coinciding with the official mourning decreed by the Government, at the beginning of the session.

After reviewing the technical report, the Consistory accredited that in a systematic way, works such as the manual weeding of weeds, cleaning of sidewalks, collection of animal excrements, street cleaning or the removal of incrustations or chewing gum were not carried out. Despite the different requirements presented to the company, its work has not changed. The mayor of Castalla, Antonio Bernabeu, has stated that “with all these requirements gathered, we have enough documentation to start a sanctioning file for breach of contract”.

On the other hand, the municipal plenary session has also approved the City Council to assume the condition of development agent to take responsibility for the direct management of the urbanization works of the area of ‘Los Campellos’ and the sewage collector, which enables the City Council of Castalla to start with the works of the new treatment plant. Bernabeu has assured that “this infrastructure is a demand for which the people have fought during the last years and now we already have the enclave where the new sewage plant will be located”.

In relation to the credit modifications, the Corporation has decided to reallocate 168,100 euros between items of the current budget. Culture, Festivals, the San Isidro Fair, Sports and Protocol are the areas that have ceded part of their budget to benefit departments such as Social Services, Public Health and Parks and Gardens, which have become even more important during the current crisis situation generated by the Coronavirus (Covid-19). For the mayor castellut, “these changes enable us to deal as efficiently as possible with the crisis of the coronavirus, which has forced us to redirect some of our priorities.

A different modification of the credit has been the one referred to the contentious-administrative procedure that the Town Hall has been dragging along for years due to disagreements with a private individual over the value of a plot of land classified as green by the government team at the time. In total, between the legal, contentious and general administration costs, plus interest on arrears, the sum amounts to 599,815.03 euros, which will be financed through the liquid remainder of the Treasury.


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