Castalla raises awareness about functional diversity among children and adolescents in the town

  • The campaign under the slogan ‘Jo també’ is promoted by the Department of Social Services and is part of the I Municipal Plan for Children and Adolescent

The Castalla City Council has promoted the awareness campaign on functional diversity ‘Jo també’, which seeks to raise awareness among children and adolescents in the town on this issue. The initiative has been promoted by the Department of Social Services and is part of the I Municipal Plan for Children and Adolescents.

The councilor of Social Services, Maite Gimeno, stressed that “in the framework of this municipal plan we have developed various initiatives to inform and educate children and adolescents of Castalla in values of responsibility, tolerance and inclusion”. In this sense, added the mayor, “our goal is to promote the participation of people with functional diversity in all areas of our society and thus help them to overcome the barriers that still exist.

The campaign, aimed at children, is an element of education in values for the children of Castalla. According to the principles of the ‘Jo també’ campaign, children do not need straight lines, symmetry and ultra-realistic scenarios, but fantasy, light and color. The younger population does not need to reproduce roles and prejudices, but rather to soak up life and embrace diversity.

Thus, the slogan of the initiative ‘Jo també’ seeks the inclusion of people with functional diversity, to overcome the segregation of the disabled and to claim their participation in the social experience. In addition, the different posters that illustrate the campaign are the work of Toni and Julia, two people full of childhood and overflowing aesthetic sense.

Jo també’ is funded by the Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies of the Generalitat Valenciana and is part of the implementation of the I Municipal Plan for Children and Adolescents of Castalla, which is being carried out with the collaboration of the social consultant ‘EQUÀLITAT, participació i igualtat’.


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