Castalla appoints Mari Pepa Bernabeu as the town crier of the Moors and Christians Festivities

  • Mari Pepa Bernabeu will be in charge of officially announcing the beginning of the big days of the city’s main festivities

Mari Pepa Bernabeu Mira has been chosen as pregonera of the Moors and Christians of 2023 through the vote of the presidents of Comparsa, the Department of Festivals, the Association of Comparsas and the president of the Musical Association Santa Cecilia. The appointment took place last Tuesday, April 18. The town crier is one of the most representative positions of the major festivals of the city, as it is the figure responsible for officially announcing the start of the big days of the town. Mari Pepa Bernabeu has a great festive career, throughout which she has developed both in representative and organizational positions within her comparsa, the Pirates, as well as the festivities in general.

The mayor of Castalla, Antonio Bernabeu, has publicly congratulated the new town crier and said that “from the municipal corporation we want to congratulate Mari Pepa for the important position that will represent in the Moors and Christians of 2023, which enjoys the recognition of all the festeros and festive of the city”.

So far, Mari Pepa Bernabeu has stood out as festera of the comparsa of Pirates throughout his life. She was maid of honor and queen of festivities. She has also held the captaincy and more recently has been captain of the comparsa Maseros. It is also one of the most outstanding and valued ‘cap’ of squadron Castalla. On the other hand, due to her festive commitment, she has been linked to different boards of directors since she was very young.

Among other facts, the new pregonera stands out for having been the first vice president of comparsa of the Fiestas de Castalla. A step forward that has opened the door to many other women who have followed her path and have become part of the organization and management of these celebrations.

Today, Mari Pepa is still linked to the board of the Pirates, where she brings her experience and know-how. All this, together with the illusion and continuous work, contribute to the city’s festivities improve year after year.

In this sense, the mayor said that “Mari Pepa is a committed, courageous and determined woman, three qualities that also define her as a festive and that make her the ideal person for the position that this year will represent.

Thus, on August 26, 2023, the festive community castelluda has an appointment with the new pregonera, Mari Pepa Bernabeu Mira, to ignite with his proclamation festive feeling of the city.

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